Mrs. Lee was married to her husband for four years, at the time, she was already 35
years old. During the first year of their marriage, they had been using contraceptives
extensively. But one day, they realized that it is time to have a child, due to Mrs. Lee's
age, it was now or never. They were expecting to get pregnant once they got off the
pills, only to find that they were unable to conceive. After countless tries using
different methods, the couple decided to go for an IVF cycle, but they failed because
the Doctor could not find any sperm cells from Mr. Lee's sample. After spending
RM 30K plus for nothing, and without further explanations from the Doctor, the
couple lost confidence with IVF treatments. So they made a decision to enhance their
health first before trying again, hoping to increase their chance of success.
The couple came to see me in 2016. During my consultation, I found that Mr. Lee's
close family and relatives had a long history of lung cancer. Furthermore, Mr. Lee
was also suffering from pulmonary fibroma (a rare tumor in the lungs), and it is very
difficult to find cure for this condition. Because of their family history and failed IVF
cycle, I arranged a genetic test called Infertility Genetic Screening (Reprogene) for
him. The result came back and shocked everyone including the Scientists. It showed
that Mr. Lee has a genetic condition called Cystic Fibrosis (a hereditary disease that
affects the lungs and digestive system as the body produces thick and sticky mucus
that can clog and obstruct various organs).
But, Cystic Fibrosis is a highly heritable disease, there is a 50% chance that their
offspring will get it via natural pregnancy. What's worse is that, if his child get Cystic
Fibrosis, they might most likely need lung transplant. However, for men, Cystic
Fibrosis doesn't just affect the lungs, they will be born without the vas deferens (the
tube that transport sperms), and of course, Mr. Lee is no exception.
After getting their health back to shape, the couple was ready for another IVF cycle,
except this time, in order to get sperm samples from Mr. Lee, he had to undergo a
special procedure called TESA which is to extract sperms directly. Due to all the
efforts and perseverance, they managed to get 6 Grade A embryos to undergo Pre-
implantation Genetic Screening / Diagnosis (PGS & PGD). Mrs. Lee was finally
pregnant. She came to see me again on the 13th weeks of gestation for advice on early
pregnancy management and she said to me, "It was very fortunate that the previous
IVF was unsuccessful, otherwise her child might get the genetic disease."
I am very glad that through the most advanced genetic testing technology and
personalized fertility treatment plan, we were able to give a happy and healthy child
to Mr. And Mrs. Lee and I wish them happiness and smooth delivery.