Mrs. Yao was 33 years old, and married to her husband 8 years ago. She was 4
months pregnant. But that didn’t come easy, it was the sweet result of precision health
preparation for over 2 years. She very thankful because her husband was giving her
unconditional support throughout the entire course of treatment.
Due to couple’s busy lifestyle, they often forgot to perform the Fertility Self Massage,
and might not even have the luxury to follow the cooking recipes that I planned for
them. But that didn’t stop them from boosting their reproductive health. They insisted
on getting themselves in the “best condition” and gave 100% trust to me and my team
believing that we would be able to help them conceive a health baby.
Mrs. Yao miscarried twice before, which did a significant harm to her body. The first
miscarriage was 4 years ago, when the fetus was 6 weeks old, because she was
lacking amniotic fluid, the baby stopped growing and showed signs of severe
developmental delays. Under this circumstance, she had to bear the pain, and
discontinue the pregnancy. After the necessary procedures, she took a recovery period
(confinement) of 40 days.
A few months down the road, Mrs. Yao did a pregnant test (HCG), and it was
positive. But, like last time, the fetus showed no signs of grows during the
ultrasound scan, and had to once again, stop the pregnancy.
With 2 miscarriages , I began to wonder if this is related to her genes, so I ordered a
test called the Infertility Genetic Screening for Mrs. Yao hoping to find the true
reason for her miscarriages. When the results came back, we found that Mrs. Yao had
a genetic defect on her hormone receptor affecting her LH (Luteinizing Hormone)
which is very important for the maintenance of a healthy pregnancy.
With this information at hand, the couple worked even harder and was even more
determine to resolve this problem. After 7 months of treatment pinpointing at
increasing her LH while balancing the other Fertility Hormones, Mrs. Yao was once
again pregnant and manage to pass the most “dangerous” pregnancy period, 12 weeks,
and is considered stable. I truly hope that Mr. and Mrs. Yao will manage to get a
healthy baby and live a happy family life like they always dreamed of.